
Running goals for the Month – Instagram story template

I talk about running goals a lot because in the past I’ve felt like I’m too slow, too big, not good enough to call myself a runner, not making progress fast enough… I could keep going but you get the idea. Basically, I’ve felt bad about myself for tons of different reasons and it was never helpful.

These negative thoughts typically popped up when I compared myself to another runner on Instagram or another running blogger. sometimes I’d feel bad when I felt like I failed to achieve something I randomly decided I should’ve already accomplished, but didn’t actually plan or work towards officially.

COMPARSION IS NOT A valuable tool TO RUN BETTER, stronger or FASTER.

The good news is – goal setting IS A good tool TO help YOU RUN BETTER, stronger or FASTER!

So, I share tools like the goal setting WORKBOOK and this February goals Instagram story template to help you identify your big goals, find a plan and chase ’em down. It’s all meant to help you focus on yourself and celebrate every accomplishment big and small.

Every person on earth is different. Every runner is different. and our goals should be different too.

If you don’t have a goal it’s easier to fall into a comparison trap because you’re not focused on your progress.

For example – Your goal for this month is to RUN 3x per WEEK for 30 minutes. That’s a smart goal you can track and celebrate throughout the month. Then, when you see other runners on Instagram sharing their runs… you’re a lil less likely to feel the need to do whatever they’re doing because you have your own goal.

RUNNING goal ideas for this Month

Run X miles per week

Run X minutes X times per week

Run with a group 1X a week

Increase my running time for Run/Walk intervals

Plan a new long run route every week this month

Run hills 1X per week

Stretch for X minutes after every run

Work on Pre-Run Fueling by eating before every long run

Register for that race and start training

Invite a pal to run or run/walk with me

Plan a race-cation for this year

Run my fave route faster by the end of the month

Run for fun 1X per week (no distance or pace requirement)

Do Strides after an easy run 1X per week

Write my big RUN goal & set a monthly goal that helps support it <– the Running goals Workbook helps with that! *Get the RUNNING goals WORKBOOK for free by completing the form at the bottom of this post OR check out this post for a list of annual running goal ideas that also has the form. Monthly Running goals Instagram Story If you want to share your WIN for last month and your running goals for this month on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok – use this free story template. It’s on my Instagram stories @RunEatRepeat right now for easy access or you can save this image below. KEEP going with these posts: The ultimate list of Running goals for the Year Your Running goals must Be set based on This List of the best Running Movies  Drikke Drikke Send meg arbeidsboken Lagre Deling er omsorgsfull! Dele kvitring Pin Dele Post Dele

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